Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Myth #5: Innovating is something you can broadly decide to do and then just expect it to happen. 

Myth #5:  Innovating is something you can broadly decide to do and then just expect it to happen. 

Reality:  Innovating requires deep understanding of specific problems and time spent trying to solve them.

This is one of 20 misconceptions and realities about innovation revealed in our recent
qualitative survey report entitled, What Veterans of Corporate Innovating Are Saying.   

If you would like to receive a copy of this 20 page report, please contact 
lanny@innovationsthatwork.com or jane@innovationsthatwork.com. 

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

© 2013 Vincent & Associates, Ltd. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Myth #4: Innovating is ruled by processes and norms like any other business field.

Myth #4: 

Innovating is ruled by processes and norms like any other business field, like accounting
and manufacturing. 
Innovating can benefit from some processes and metrics. However, instinct or "gut" is 
inescapable, and when overwhelmed by processes and metrics, innovating stops, or 
evolves into the superficial and illusory. 

This is one of 20 misconceptions and realities about innovation revealed in our qualitative survey 
report entitled, What Veterans of Corporate Innovating Are Saying.
If you would like to receive a copy of this 20 page report, please contact 
lanny@innovationsthatwork.com or jane@innovationsthatwork.com. 
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

© 2013 Vincent & Associates, Ltd.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Myth #3: Innovating is about the idea.

Myth #3:  Innovating is about the idea. 

Reality: Innovating is about value to the company and to the customer. 

This is one of 20 misconceptions and realities about innovation revealed in our qualitative survey 
report entitled, What Veterans of Corporate Innovating Are Saying.
If you would like to receive a copy of this 20 page report, please contact 
lanny@innovationsthatwork.com or jane@innovationsthatwork.com. 
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

© 2013 Vincent & Associates, Ltd.